Why You Shouldn’t Book a Photographer through Airbnb for Your Listing

Airbnb offers a convenient photography service, but it comes with a significant limitation that many hosts overlook. When you book a photographer through Airbnb, the photos they take are only allowed on Airbnb’s platform. This means you can’t use those professional-quality images on other booking sites like Booking.com or VRBO, or even your own website.

If You Want To List Your Airbnb Photographs On Other Websites

As a property owner, you likely want to list your space on multiple platforms to reach more potential guests. However, using Airbnb’s photography service locks your photos into their platform, limiting your ability to promote your property elsewhere. If you try to use the photos on other sites, you could face penalties or the removal of your listing from Airbnb.

What Should You Do Instead?

If you need flexibility and want to list your property across various platforms, it’s better to hire a photographer independently. This way, you retain full control over the images and can use them wherever you need. Alternatively, you can take your own photos if you’re comfortable with that, avoiding any usage restrictions.

Booking A Photographer On Airbnb Is Not Always Ideal

While Airbnb’s photography service may seem like a good deal, the restrictions on where you can use the photos might limit your options in the long run. Consider booking a photographer outside of Airbnb if you plan to market your property on multiple platforms.