Blue Sky Property Photography

Turn grey skies Photography to blue.

Wondering how to add a blue sky to your property photos, but never knew where to start?

When it comes to online property listings and window displays, you only have a few moments to capture the attention of potential buyers. What catches their eye? Stunning homes, stylish decor, and a sunny blue sky. In the UK? Rare, indeed. While we can’t control British weather, we can control the weather in our property photos, creating the perfect blue sky to elevate every image. How important is a blue sky in property photos? Probably more important than you think.

Living in the UK, you’re well aware that 70% of the time our skies are under a thick blanket of grey cloud — you might even see it out your window right now. A blue sky is a stroke of luck! When photographing properties, a grey sky does no favors, dampening efforts to market a property. Grey skies look dull, lifeless, and somewhat depressing — not the vibe you want for your property.

That’s why including a blue sky in property photos is crucial — it presents your listings in the best possible light. A bright blue sky in a photograph emits a special glow, conveying upliftment and optimism — emotions you want potential buyers to experience!

But what if you don’t get that perfect sunny day for your property photos? That’s where Image Enhancement comes in. At Houses and Properties, we specialise in enhancing property images for estate agents and property professionals worldwide.

Why add a blue sky to property photos?

Promoting that Houses and Properties enhances photos with blue skies is a standout feature. While your competitors may overlook this, it’s a low-cost, high-reward enhancement technique.
Going the extra mile with your photos builds client confidence in your services. Everyone knows that a blue sky enhances property photos, making them more appealing and helping you sell more properties.

Additionally, blue skies evoke thoughts of holidays, summer days, and enjoyable outdoor moments — all positive associations for a new property!

Negative effects of grey skies? If you’re familiar with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), you know it worsens in winter, affecting around 17% of the UK population annually. Grey skies can contribute to feelings of depression — definitely not what you want associated with your property photos.

Make sure that potential buyers only encounter properties with enticing blue skies when browsing your listings. A bright blue sky uplifts everyone’s spirits!

Given that 95% of house-hunters search online, and most viewings happen on high-resolution screens, it’s essential to ensure your property photos pop with vibrant blue skies, wowing buyers on any platform.

How to add a blue sky to property photos?

Option 1: DIY

You could use Photoshop or Lightroom, but it requires time, skill, software, and know-how. There are plenty of tutorials on adding blue skies to real estate photos on YouTube, but it’s an added step in your daily workflow.

Option 2: Wait for a sunny day

In the past, this was your only choice, but planning around the sun is unrealistic today. Scheduling around weather isn’t practical for your busy diary or the vendor’s. Postponing shoots due to clouds can irritate clients and create more hassle.

Option 3: Outsource editing

Trust Houses and Properties to enhance your photos with perfect blue skies, a smarter business decision than doing it yourself. We achieve better results and save you time and hassle.

With Image Enhancement, choose from different edit styles and blue sky variations, optimizing your photos to sell houses. Our team of digital professionals ensures your external photos look picture-perfect.

Interested in professional property photo enhancement? Contact us today.